The significance of moist crepitant rales in diagnosis attracted attention of clinical workers in recent years. 本文报道了肺底部移动性湿罗音31例,其中26例为心脏疾患所致。
This paper is a report of 31 cases of moist crepitant rales over lung bases. 26 of them were caused by heart diseases. 26例中的13例在冠心病扩冠治疗静脉输液过程中发生上述罗音,为早期左心功能不全的表现,进行病因治疗可以消失。
Conclusions For patients undergoing enophthalmos caused by a crepitant frature in orbit, it is the best way to perform an operation as early as possible. 结论对于眼眶爆裂性骨折引起的眼球内陷可考虑早期手术,其效果优于晚期手术者。