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美[ˌkrɪmənəl'ɪstɪks]  英[ˌkrɪmɪnə'lɪstɪks]
n.  调查学


  1. The current situation of criminalistics makes the reform of its teaching very necessary. 摘要面对刑事侦查学目前的教学情况,使教学改革显得十分必要。
  2. They are not only significant to social criminalistics, but also an undemonstrative thinking and questioning to the feminism problems. 它不仅具有社会调查学的意义,同时也对女性主义问题进行了一次不露声色的反思和追问。
  3. That is the job of a criminalist, to collect forensic evidence, or detective who investigates crimes. 其实,赶赴犯罪现场、从事侦查是侦查人员的工作;因为收集犯罪证据、查缉犯罪人都属于侦查人员职责。
  4. The criminalistics' college of Sam Houston State University is a bigest of the USA, and was authorized in 1963 by the commity of the state. 现有84个本科项目,在校生有14;700人,47个硕士项目,以及4个博士项目.;该校的刑事司法学院为美国最大的刑事司法学院之一,于1963年由堪萨斯州议会批准成立。
  5. The subjective aspect of joint crime is an important criterion of cognizing joint crime,and also the subjective foundation of joint criminalist take on the criminal duty. 共同犯罪的主观要件是认定共同犯罪的重要标准,更是共同犯罪人承担刑事责任的主观基础。
  6. Now, the 20-year-old junior is on his way to graduating with a degree in Criminalistics, a curriculum he mapped out to study law, political science, physical chemistry and psychology. 现在,这位20岁的大三学生正朝着取得“犯罪侦查学”的学位迈进。他所规划学习的这套课程包括法律、政治学、物理化学以及心理学。