The operation of these recessive genes influencing crossability with rye was similar to that of hexaploid common wheat. 通过与六倍体普通小麦相比较,结果表明四倍体小麦的可杂交性系统与六倍体小麦的可杂交性系统的作用方式是类似的。
Abstract:It is a special characteristic that many Chinese common wheat landraces showed a high crossability with rye. 摘要中国六倍体普通小麦地方品种有一个比较独特的特征-存在丰富的高亲和性材料。
Thus,it is important that elucidate the genetic control of the crossability of Chinese tetraploid wheat with rye. 因此,研究中国四倍体小麦的亲和性问题具有特殊的意义。
The ovaries were cultured on 6 different culture media, and great differences on the intergeneric crossability were found among cross combinations, media and female parents. 在6种不同的培养基中培养子房。
Systematic relationship between Oryza sativa and other seven rice species with AA genome were analyzed based on their crossability and F1 hybrid fertility. 摘要从可交配性和F1杂种育性两方面对亚洲栽培稻与AA染色体组(以下简称AA组)其他7个稻种的系统关系进行了分析。