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美['krʌdi]  英['krʌdi]
sp.  透光不均匀的
  比较级:cruddier  最高级:cruddiest  名词:cruddiness


  1. characterized by obscenity;

    "had a filthy mouth" "foul language" "smutty jokes"


  1. What is this cruddy stuff on my plate? 碟子上是些什么让人恶心的东西?
  2. Maggie: Jason, you charged our son eight ninety five for your cruddy meat loaf? 麦琪:杰森,你就这么一顿饭,竟然要我们的儿子付八块九毛五。
  3. It would feel really cruddy for a player that's a healer to see you able to do a lot of healing in the same fight that you also contributed a lot to damage done. 那些作为治疗的玩家如果看到暗影牧师能在相同的战斗中在造成很多伤害的同时还是有如此多的治疗输出的话,对于他们来说真的是很郁闷的。
  4. So resist the temptation to talk about the "bad ass" paper you need help with, your "loser" TA who didn't teach you what you needed to know, or the "cruddy" grade you just got on the midterm. 不谈论你需要帮助的“烂尾”论文,你那不教你需要知道的知识的“失败”助教,或者在期中你刚得的“糟糕”成绩。
  5. If you have no tests and cruddy code, then you should probably throw it away and start again because you'll have to do all the testing, as opposed to if you have cruddy code with many tests. 如果你有一堆乱七八糟的代码且又没有测试,那么你最好是扔掉它们从头开始,否则你就得重新做所有的测试。反之,如果你有一堆乱七八糟的代码同时还有很多测试的话,情况就不一样了。
  6. Santiago Hodalgo writes from Spain to point out what a fantasy-killer a cruddy translation and localization is. I'll let him tell it 下面是对很差劲的翻译评价。