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美  英
n.  多层三明治;多层夹肉面包


  1. "Blondie and Dagwood love each other. “勃朗黛和大梧相亲相爱。
  2. And, the person is set free pack being composed of a "Dagwood " together. 并将其叠放在一起组成一个“多层三明治”。
  3. Dagwood was the playboy son of a railroad tycoon and one of her several boyfriends. 大梧则是有个铁路大亨老爸的花花公子,是勃朗黛众多男友中的一个。
  4. KRudd, just go back to being a beareaucrat and do what you do best, speaking mandarin and eating dodgy dagwood dogs. 还是回去当你的官僚吧,做你最擅长的事,说汉语,吃让你的拉肚子馅饼。
  5. And Blondie and Dagwood will show up in several other comic strips during the next few weeks as they prepare for the big event. 当他们为即将到来的盛典做准备时,在接下来的几周里,勃朗黛和大梧还将出现在另外几部连环漫画中。
  6. They were married in 1933, but Dagwood's parents disapproved of Blondie and disinherited him, forcing him to go to work and live a middle class life. 他们于1933年结婚,但是大梧的父母对勃朗黛并不满意,剥夺了大梧的财产继承权,迫使他不得不出去工作,去过中等阶级的生活。