美['daɪmˌjoʊ] 英['daɪmjəʊ]
n. [史]大名(日本封建时代的大领主)
- It was China decade daimio tea among oolong generic representative that iron Kwan-yin belong to oolong genera . 铁观音属于乌龙茶类,是中国十大名茶之一乌龙茶类的代表。
- "During the Tokugawa period (1603-1867), the daimyo acted as local rulers in three-fourths of the country. 德川幕府时代,大名在国内三个地区任地方统治者。
- After the Meiji Restoration, the daimyo were converted into a pensioned nobility residing in Tokyo. 在明治维新后,原来的大名便成为定居东京领取恩俸的贵族。
- "Is Mr. Omisan the daimyo?" Blackthorne asked, afraid of the swords in spite of himself. “这位尾见君就是这里的大名主公么?”布莱克松虽然故作镇定,还是非常害怕那两把刀剑。
- Meanwhile Japanese peasants no longer paid dues to their daimyo;they paid taxes to the imperial government. 同时,日本的农名也不再给他们的大名交税,而是直接向帝国政府交税。
- In March 1869 their daimyo offered their land to the emperor, that is, to the nation. 这两个藩的大名在*主动 奉还版籍 于 天皇, 也就是还给国家。