The emphasis on percussion and Cuban rhythms make the style quite danceable and accessible. 它对于打击乐器和古巴旋律的偏重,使得这一音乐形式相当适合于跳舞,且易于理解。
The title cut has a sweet, starry-eyed way about it, while "Rain Drops" is handclapping and danceable. 主打曲有一种甜美、天真、狂热的特质,“雨滴”让人不自觉地击掌拍和,随之手舞足蹈。
Students were trained to sing different types of song: from soft- angelic music to danceable fast beat. 同学们练习演唱不同类型的歌曲,从柔和的安吉利音乐到快速的舞曲。
Track6“ Autumn Stream” is a danceable mid-tempo retro tune with a throw-back to the stylings of Old Shanghai in the30’ s. 第6首“秋水”是一支中速怀旧舞曲,在风格上效法三十年代的老上海。
Track 6 "Autumn Stream" is a danceable mid-tempo retro tune with a throw-back to the stylings of Old Shanghai in the 30's. 第6首“秋水”是一支中速怀旧舞曲,在风格上效法三十年代的老上海。
Track 6 “Autumn Stream” is a danceable mid-tempo retro tune with a throw-back to the stylings of Old Shanghai in the 30’s. 第6首“秋水”是一支中速怀旧舞曲,在风格上效法三十年代的老上海。