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美['deɪnɪˌoʊ]  英['deɪnɪəʊ]
n.  鲐(一种东南亚产的热带观赏鱼)


  1. 颜色鲜艳的小淡水鱼
  2. 担尼鱼
  3. 鲐(一种东南亚产的热带观赏鱼)
  4. 鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼


  1. The "Celestial pearl Danio" A new Genus and Species of Colourful Minute Cyprined Fish from Myanmar. 发现者美国的泰森罗勃兹博士以英文名天国的珍珠为之命名.
  2. In this paper, the distance-time performance in prey response of Zebra Danio (Danio rerio) was investigated by employing a high speed digital video camera (1000Hz). 本文利用数字式高速摄像机定量地研究了斑马鱼从低速巡游状态做出捕食反应的运动过程。
  3. Examination of filmed sequences of Zebra Danio shows that the S-start process includes three stages, distinguished by different movements of the fish body and the caudal fin. 通过分析斑马鱼的运动图像,发现S形起动过程大体可以分解为三个阶段:第一阶段,斑马鱼的头部和尾部都迅速向相同的一个体侧方向转动,整个身体近似弯曲反写的S型。
  4. The deduced amino acid sequence was aligned with Aristichthys nobilis,cyprinus carpio,Carassius auratus(goldfish),Danio rerio,Salmo salar,Rainbow trout and A. anguilla,and the sequence similarities are 99.3%,92%,92%,82%,62.6% and 56%,respectively. 其编码的氨基酸序列与鳙鱼(Aristichthys no-bilis)、鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)、金鱼(Carassius auratus)、斑马鱼(Danio rerio)、鲑鱼(Salmo salar)、虹鳟(Oncorhynchusmysiss)、欧洲鳗鲡(A.;anguilla)的相似性分别为:99
  5. Cloning and sequence analysis of Hoxa-11a gene from zebrafish (Danio rerio) 斑马鱼Hoxa-11a基因克隆及序列分析
  6. In silico cloning and digital differential display analysis of Danio rerio QM gene by EST database searching 表达序列标签数据库搜索克隆斑马鱼QM基因及其数字化差异显示分析