the act of running away secretly (as to avoid arrest)
breaking camp
They emerge thence,and decamp from their families. 从那地方出来的人也就不愿再回家了。
Some, however, are being offered double that to decamp to rivals. 不过还是有人被竞争对手以高出一倍的奖金挖走。
Soon general trends already went, decamp of factory director Liu Guangming. 眼看大势已去,厂长刘光明逃之夭夭。
Almost every year, the number of people to populate a town, decamp to what seems like another country, to live like some ancient civilisation for one weekend of the year. 几乎每年,都会有大量人群离开自己住的地方拥入一个小镇,仿佛建立了自己的国家一般,以原始人的方式度过一个周末。
For UBS, the Swiss would also doubtless want a foreign buyer to decamp to Switzerland, a big barrier to a deal. 对此瑞士银行受限更大,瑞士毫无疑问想要一位外国买家帮助他们撤回瑞士本土。
TV shops be duped as be cheated to feel on street, cheater decamp, the person that is fooled is very helpless. 电视购物上当跟在街头上被骗感觉一样,骗子逃之夭夭,被骗的人很无助。