The decoherence in quantum mechanics is studied. 介绍了量子力学的退相干理论.
Quantum coding is the most efficient way to combat decoherence. 迄今为此,人们发现的克服消相干的最有效的方法为量子编码。
The system will stay in an entangled state with phase decoherence if the detuning is proper. 当失谐量适当时,系统可保持在纠缠相对较大的状态而无消纠缠态。
This scheme is insensitive to beating of vibrational motion, which is important in view of decoherence. 本方案对离子的振动不敏感,从退相干的角度看这一性质非常重要。
This result indicates the intrinsic relation between entanglement, Loschmidt echo, decoherence and quantum criticality. 这个结果揭示了纠缠,洛克斯密特回波,退相干以及临界性之间的内在联系。
Finally, using the subdynamics theory, the construction of the decoherence subspace is discussed. 我们基于子动力学的子空问理论讨论了开放量子系统的量子计算问题。