And the second is, the person already known cirrhosis or decompensate, and become sick, that’s the second disease. 第二种情况是,患者已经知道自己有肝硬化或者肝功能失代偿,然后病情恶化。
All of these are merely factors which decompensate already severely disturbed medullary venous circulation. 所有这些都造成脊髓静脉循环障碍,功能失代偿。
And the second is, the person already known cirrhosis or decompensate, and become sick, that's the second disease. 第二种情况是,患者已经知道自己有肝硬化或者肝功能失代偿,然后病情恶化。
On the other hand, if the patient has decompensate disease, you don't even used to do the DNA. 所以这些失代偿的病人,就算没有ALT结果也是要进行抗病毒治疗的。
Everybody was decompensate, without ALT level must be treated, and you should given the kidney function, if the kidney function is normal, normal dose of the anti-viral drugs. 如果病人的肾功能正常,给予正常剂量的抗病毒药物。
Discussion of reversible factors of chronic renal insufficiency decompensate 慢性肾功能不全失代偿的可逆因素探讨