Stems 7-25 cm tall, simple or sparsely branched, strigillose throughout, lacking raised decurrent lines. 7-25厘米高的茎,单或疏生枝,全部具短糙伏毛,缺乏凸起下延线。
Leaf blade elliptic, obovate or sub-orbicular, base sometimes decurrent, then with petiole narrowly winged. 叶片椭圆形,倒卵形或木栓圆形,基部有时,然后具叶柄狭翅。(9
Seeds black, ovoid, ca. 1 mm in diam., white pubescent;strophiole decurrent, slightly lobed. 种子黑色,卵球形,直径约1毫米,白色短柔毛种阜下延,稍裂。
Inner surface of flowers white, often reddish outside; leaves regularly divided, lateral leaflets not decurrent. 花白色的内部表面,在外面经常带红色;叶规则地分,侧生小叶不下延。(7
Leaves entire, dentate, or serrate, if pinnatifid then with multicellular glands; stigmas slightly 2-lobed, lobes not decurrent. 全缘的叶,具牙齿,或有锯齿,如果那么多细胞的具腺体;2裂的柱头稍,不下延的裂片。(2
Leaflets of lower leaves variously lobed and dissected, often pinnatifid, not broadly ovate, bases usually cuneate to decurrent. 小叶的下部叶各种地浅裂和多裂,通常,不宽卵形,通常楔形的基部对。(13