The straining during defaecation can cause a rise in blood pressure, or even precipitate stroke. 患有高血压者排便时过份用力,会令血压上升,甚或诱发中风。
Its potential significance in restoration of controlled defaecation in SCI patients is discussed. 临床上重建SCI患者的排便功能时,可针对性的选择效能最强的神经根。
This causes and increase in the volume of gut contents which, in turn, increases intestinal activity.This promotes defaecation. 增加胃肠容量,加强蠕动,快速排泄。
But the capacity of rectum decreases sharply after operation, patients may suffer from increased frequency of defaecation and urgency, which was called “Anterior resection syndrome”. 但是由于术后直肠容积明显减少,患者常常出现便次增多、便意急、轻度失禁等情况, 有的持续较长时间, 称为前切除术后综合征。
including process: ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, egestion (defaecation [包括的过程有:吞下;消化;吸收;同化作用;排遗(排粪