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美[dɪ'fend]  英[dɪ'fend]
v.  防守;防护;辩护
  形容词:defendable  名词:defender  过去式:defended  过去分词:defended  现在分词:defending  第三人称单数:defends


  1. 保卫,防御,防守,驻防,警卫,捍卫
  2. 【体】防守
  3. 为...答辩
  4. 【律】进行辩护;为…辩护;作(某人)的辩护律师
  5. 辩解,辩白,抗辩
  6. 保护...使免于
  7. <废>禁止
  8. (足球、曲棍球等)参加卫冕赛
  9. 维护,拥护


  1. vt. & vi. 保卫 protect; make safe; keep safe from harm; protect against attack
  2. vt. & vi. 辩护; 辩解 support, protect, or show the rightness by argument


  1. argue or speak in defense of;

    "She supported the motion to strike"

  2. be on the defensive; act against an attack
  3. protect against a challenge or attack;

    "Hold that position behind the trees!" "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"

  4. fight against or resist strongly;

    "The senator said he would oppose the bill" "Don't fight it!"

  5. protect or fight for as a champion
  6. be the defense counsel for someone in a trial;

    "Ms. Smith will represent the defendant"

  7. state or assert;

    "He maintained his innocence"


  1. defend a place保卫一个地方
  2. defend a theory支持某种理论
  3. defend a child保护孩子
  4. defend interests of捍卫…的利益
  5. defend one's actions支持某人的行动
  6. defend one's conduct为某人的行为辩解
  7. defend one's drinking on the job为在工作时饮酒辩护
  8. defend one's ideas支持某人的见解
  9. defend one's title保住某人的权力
  10. defend oneself自卫,为自己辩护
  11. defend road护路
  12. defend the accused为被告辩护
  13. defend the country保卫国家
  14. defend the national interest保护民族利益
  15. defend the wrong cause for the right reason以正当理由捍卫错误的事业
  1. defend angrily愤怒地辩护
  2. defend ardently积极地辩护
  3. defend bravely勇敢地辩护
  4. defend courageously英勇地辩论
  5. defend desperately毫无顾忌地辩护
  6. defend easily易于辩解
  7. defend effectually有效地辩论
  8. defend eloquently雄辩
  9. defend heroically英勇地辩论
  10. defend obstinately顽强地辩护
  11. defend passively被动地辩护
  12. defend philosophically用哲学的观点辩护
  13. defend principally主要地辩解
  14. defend stoutly有力地辩护
  15. defend successfully成功地辩护
  1. defend against保卫…不受侵犯
  2. defend against attack在遭受攻击时进行自卫
  3. defend against danger保护某人免遭危险
  4. defend against enemies防御敌人
  5. defend from harm保护某人使其免受伤害
  6. defend with用…保卫


  1. Some players are better at defending.有些运动员较擅长打防卫。
  2. The union said that they would take action to defend their member's jobs.工会说他们将采取行动维护会员的工作权益。
  3. He was afraid of being attacked by Liu Bei and Sun Quan, so he sent a troop to defend Jingzhou.他害怕刘备和孙权继续向他进攻,派人在荆州防守。
  4. She demonstrated how best to defend oneself.她示范最有效的自卫方法。
  5. He undertook to defend this attitude.他开始为这一态度辩护。


    defend的基本意思是避开危险和进攻以保证安全,指使用某种方法避开实际的威胁或击退实际的攻击。引申可指坚持、捍卫某种行动、意见、决定或捍卫某种原则的纯洁性。 defend可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时,按名词、代词或that从句作宾语。偶尔也可接双宾语,可用于被动结构。 defend常与against连用表示“防守,捍卫”; 与from连用表示“保护…以防,使…免遭危害”。


  1. 他们的责任是防御敌人。

    Their duty is to defend the enemy.

    Their duty is to defend themselves against the enemy.

    defend含义是“保卫自己,免受敌人攻击”,其宾语是保护的对象; against后接防御的对象。


    She defended her children off the mad dog.

    She defended her children from the mad dog.

    表示“保护…使免遭危害”时, defend常与from连用。