He always acts so deferentially around his supervisor. 他总是毕恭毕敬地围着他的上司转。
Alone with Val after dinner, he sipped port deferentially and answered the advances of his new-found brother-in-law. 晚饭后和法尔单独在一起时,他一面恭顺地呷着彼得酒,一面回答这位新发现的姊夫的亲密表示。
The colonel deferentially informed his majesty of the mission of Balashov, whose name he could not pronounce. 上校毕恭毕敬地向他的陛下转达了巴拉瑟夫的使命,他对巴拉瑟夫的姓氏说不出来。
Meeting the man deferentially is try every means avoid to suffer reprimand when his mood is bad. 恭敬地迎接丈夫就是想方设法避免在他情绪不好时遭到斥责。
I am not speaking of Russia,” said the vicomte deferentially and hopelessly.“The sovereigns! 我不是说俄国的情形,”子爵彬彬有礼地,但却绝望地说道,“各国国王呀!