Demulsibility Property of a lubricant tO separate from water. 抗乳化性指润滑油与水分离的能力。
Exceptional adhesiveness and excellent demulsibility. 特出之黏附性及抗乳化性能。
Demulsibility Characteristics of Lubricating Oils, Method of Test for (05. 测定润滑油的乳化分解性的试验方法(05。
EMGEAR EP oils have good demulsibility can separate readily from water. EMGEAR EP具有优良的抗乳化性,能迅速自水中离析。
If further extracting the activated sludge by solvent the extracted liquid has better demulsibility. 在此基础上将活性污泥用溶剂进行抽提,提取液的破乳作用优于活性污泥。
The Gargoyle Arctic Oil group has good oxidation stability, low pour point, good demulsibility and excellent resistance to foaming. 佳高冷冻机油有良好的抗氧化性能,凝点低,抗乳化性能良好及有极佳之抗泡沫性能。