fungal infection of the skin (especially of moist parts covered by clothing)
Adapt to treat dermatophytosis, athlete's foot and feet tickle. 适用于脚气、脚癣、脚痒等真菌感染。
It is more effective to thoroughly change socks after cured dermatophytosis. 如足底癣好转后要更新袜子,效果更佳。
Dermatophytosis is a common infectious disease in dogs and cats, and it can be infected each other within pets or between pets and human beings. 皮肤丝状菌病是犬、猫的常见传染病,并且可以在动物与人之间,动物与动物之间互相传染。
Ckient: I've had itch akk over my feet, I am afraid it is my dermatophytosis again. 顾客:我的脚痒得厉害,恐怕是脚气又犯了。
This article reported 102 cases of dermatophytosis disseminated due to improper topical cor-ticosteroid treatment. 本文报告102例局部激素制剂引起的皮肤霉菌感染扩散的病例。
Abstract: Objective To choose a better treatment of moderate to severe dermatophytosis. 文章摘要: 目的为治疗中、重度皮肤癣菌病选择合适的方法。