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美  英
adv.  杂乱无章地;散漫地


  1. Floral amount is differ want surely much, appropriate OK, lest cause desultorily feeling. 植物的数量不一定要多,合适就可以了,以免造成杂乱无章的感觉。
  2. From this, the trends administration of the spot can appear necessarily desultorily phenomenon. 由此,现场的动态治理必然会出现杂乱无章的现象。
  3. The international market is not is desultorily, have the law however but of abide. 国际市场并非是杂乱无章的,而是有规律可循的。
  4. Otherwise, can let a person feel primary and secondary is not divided, desultorily. 否则,会让人感到主次不分、杂乱无章。
  5. If the 4 walls of the sitting room were become " thematic wall " , can make the person arises desultorily feeling. 假如客厅的四壁都成了“主题墙”,就会使人产生杂乱无章的感觉。
  6. They talked desultorily for some minutes, then, without apparent reason, a yell from the telescreen bade them be silent. 他们又随便谈了几句,接着电幕上毫无理由地吆喝一声,不许他们再说话。