an ideological defector from the party line (especially from orthodox communism)
This likelihood exists for that section of the student body with Right deviationist ideas. 有一部分有右倾思想的学生,有此可能。
Eleventh, some people ask, isn't it possible that "Left" deviationist mistakes will occur? 第十一,有人问:是不是有发生“左”倾错误的可能?
Can say, it doesn't involve any existing political party of nation, or any problem with political deviationist. 可以说,它不涉及现有的任何国家的政党,或任何政党的党政问题。
In this paper, the adjoint system theory is applied to the guidance accuracy assess ment of the flying vehicle, and the covariance matrix of the impact point deviat ion is solved. 本文根据伴随系统理论,在某飞行器制导工具误差的精度评定中加以实际应用,求出落点偏差的协方差矩阵。
In the specific texts, there are also contextconst rained deviat ions in referent ial meaning, derogato ry meaning, commendato ry meaning, and emot ional meaning. 在具体的篇章中,还存在由于语境制约而导致的所指义偏离、贬损义偏离、褒奖义偏离和情感义偏离。
Some comrades have thought it impossible to spare time for economic construction because the revolutionary war keeps people busy enough,and they have condemned anyone arguing for it as a "Right deviationist". 过去有些同志认为革命战争已经忙不了,哪里还有闲工夫去做经济建设工作,因此见到谁谈经济建设,就要骂为“右倾”。