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美['djuːˌfɔːl]  英['djuːfɔːl]
n.  降露;降露之时;薄暮


  1. In rainfall at morning and dewfall at night. 让你的全身保持着洁白清爽。
  2. When the air temperature and moisture changes so quickly, it will dewfall on indoor wall.It is just the phenomena of nature, not the leaking problem. 若遇空气温度、湿度变化较大的天气,有可能在室内墙面产生“结露”现象,此纯属正常自然现象,而非渗水原因;
  3. like the first dewfall on the first grass. 像首颗晨露滴落初绿草丛中。
  4. Treatment of Dewfall Formation Mechanism in Water Delivery Pipe Line and Technical Measures in Power Plant on Jirenhe River 吉仁河电厂供水管道结露机理及技术处理措施
  5. Urban and rural dewfall, surface moisture, and associated canopy-level air temperature and humidity measurements for vancouver, canada 加拿大的范库弗峰城市和农村的降露、地面湿度和相关的覆盖层空气温度和湿度的测量
  6. dewfall:The formation of dew. 结露:露水的成形.