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英音[dai] ;美音[dai] ;


1.死; 死亡; 死去

2.死时处於(某种状态); 死时具备(某种身分):

3.不复存在; 消失; 消亡


1.金属模; 硬模; 印模; 钢印

2.色子; 骰子


pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life

stop operating or functioning

languish as with love or desire

feel indifferent towards

suffer or face the pain of death

to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player

cut or shape with a die

be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame

lose sparkle or bouquet

suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense)

disappear or come to an end

small cubes with 1 to 6 spots on the faces; used to generate random numbers

a device used for shaping metal

a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rods


die in vt.在...处死去

die on 对...不再有用

die for 1. 为了...而死2. 渴望,急需(某物)

die of 死于…,因…而死

die in harness 工作时死去,殉职

die out v.灭绝,逐渐消失,渐渐止息

bearing of die 模具成形部分,模具的成形部分

bed die 底模,阴模

bending die 弯曲模

clicker die 带刀切割模具

DIE =Danish Institute for the International Exchange of Scientific and Literary Publications 丹麦国际科学及文学出

die v.[I]1.死; 死亡; 死去2.死时处於(某种状态); 死时具备(某种身分): 3.不复存在; 消失; 消亡n.[C]1.金属模; 硬模; 印模; 钢印2.色子; 骰子

die in 拟死示威

burn(die) 【化】 烧伤

die cast a. 以印模压铸的

bullet die 弹丸模具

die casting 硬模铸造

die filling 装模,压模装料

draw(ing)die 拉模

punch die 凸凹模



die 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存在。

decease 正式用词,多指法律上的用语。

expire 委婉用词。从本义“从肺部吐出气来”引申为吐出最后一口气,断气而死。

perish 书面用词,多指夭折或不幸暴亡。

pass awaydie 的委婉用语。