The physical and chemical properties of complex sodium disilicate as a new builder were studied. 研究了新型助剂复合二硅酸钠的物理化学性能。
The basic properties of crystalline layered sodium disilicate in different technology were studied. 研究了不同工艺条件下样品的基本性能。
Crystalline layered silicates(like sodium disilicate)are especially attracted with good properties and easily concentrated. 硼酸盐具有独特的潜在助洗作用,但尚需进一步研究最佳应用组成。
The results showed that the wastes of zirconium oxychloride can be made into crystalline layered sodium disilicate with good properties. 结果表明,碱性废水和酸性硅渣为主要原料,可制备出性能良好的层状硅酸钠。
In this paper,it is reviewed the researching evolution of new nonphosphate detergent builder-crystalline layered sodium disilicate on synthesis,properties and applications. 对新型无磷洗涤剂助剂层状二硅酸钠的合成、性质以及应用方面的进展进行了简要评述。
The layer crystalline sodium disilicate is a non-phosphorous detergent additive with excellent performance,which can not cause the rich-nutrition for the quality of the water. 层状结晶二硅酸钠是一种性能优异的无磷洗涤助剂,其不会造成水质富营养化问题。