(ancient Greece) a passionate hymn (usually in honor of Dionysus)
An irregular poetic expression suggestive of the ancient Greek dithyramb. 充满激情的诗歌使人联想起古希腊赞美酒神的合唱诗的不规则诗歌表达
The dithyramb, a choral hymn in his honor, is often seen as the basis of Western drama. 在早期艺术中,他被描绘成一个蓄须男子,但后来他变成一个有女性味道的青年男子。
Of the kinds of words we have enumerated it may be observed that compounds are most in place in the dithyramb, strange words in heroic, and metaphors in iambic poetry. 在上面所列举的词的种类中,我们可以看到复合词最常出现在酒神颂里,外来词最常出现在英雄诗里,隐喻最常出现在抑扬格诗歌里。