a musical composition in several movements; has no fixed form
E di sera balla lo Ska! Divertimento! 晚上就跳斯卡舞!开心地玩!
Il mio unico divertimento ègiocare a carte. 打扑克是我唯一的娱乐。
Some of them like theHungarian Divertimento,the Fantasy,and the Grand,Duo,arc among his most splendid pieces. 其中有几部,如《匈牙利嬉游曲》、《幻想曲》和《大二重奏》是他的最杰出的作品的一部分。
The music is "Duolang Mukamu"(a big divertimento), accompanied by sonorous male singing. 此舞由《多朗木卡姆》(大型套曲)伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱;
The music is "Duolang Mukamu" (a big divertimento), accompanied by sonorous male singing. 此舞由《多朗木卡姆》(大型套曲)伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱
Mukamu, the appellation of large divertimento, is the splendid classical music of Uygur. 十二木卡姆,是维吾尔族优秀的古典音乐,即大型音乐套曲的称谓。