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美['edʒili]  英['edʒili]
adv.  刀口锐利;尖利的;轮廓过份鲜明


  1. Thirdly, indicates the six problems need to be solved edgily. 三是阐述了上海高校内设学院党建工作存在的急需解决的六大问题;
  2. Will the remaining 50,000 be able to hold the ring if fighting increases or breaks out between groups now edgily at peace with each other? 如果派别纷争不断升级和爆发,留守的5万美军是否能控制住局面?
  3. Of 36 cases, edgily metal slices were found in 10 pati ents,fish bone in 1 patient,nucleus of Chinese date in 21 patients,toy plane in 1 patient, plastic pentacle in 2 patients, iron chain in 1 patient. 36例异物中鱼骨1例,边缘锐利的金属片10例,枣核21例,塑料五角星2例,玩具小飞机1例,铁丝1例。
  4. 'I'm not sure I can make it tomorrow,' he said edgily. “我不敢肯定明天能成功。”他紧张不安地说。
  5. ”, he wondered edgily aloud. 内塔尼亚胡发出了强烈质疑。