Cankered material can produce effluvial carcinogen aldehyde. 2. 腐烂的物质可以产生恶臭的致癌物质乙醛。
Chronic telogen effluvium or early androgenetic alopecia? 是慢性静止期脱发还是雄性秃发?
Divide into :1 all the year flux set free effluvium 2 long rush down no Yu 3. 分为:1整年泻痢放臭气 2久泻不愈 3.;便臭下痢 。
The product is effluvial flaxen powder, freely soluble in water and ethanol, practically insoluble in aether. 本品为淡黄色粉末,有特臭,易溶于水和乙醇,在乙醚中几乎不溶。
Defecate color is light, the capacity is much, submit grease form or spumescent, chang Fu has effluvial taste more at surface. 大便色淡,量多,呈油脂状或泡沫状,常浮于水面多有恶臭味。