If you want to sell to the Asian electroacoustic marketplace belong at IES2006. 每一次的展览会和研讨会都为大家提供与专业生产厂商建立业务网络关系和技术交流的良好机会。
A guide to the Electroacoustic Music Studios at University of Birmingham, UK. 在英国伯明罕的大学一个关于电声学音乐工作室的指南。
A electroacoustic band made of prisoners are rehearsing on playground. 宁夏银川监狱操场上,由囚犯组建的电声乐队在排练。
Electroacoustic music lends itself particularly to semiotic study where there is a presence of identifiable sounds. 对于记号语言中存在的、可以确认的声音来讲,电子音乐特别有助于此方面的研究。
The methods for reproducing subjective spatial impression in electroacoustic system are discussed. 讨论了电声重放声场空间信息的基本思路与方法。
This piece is commissioned by 2006 Shanghai International Electroacoustic Music Week. 作品受2006上海国际电子音乐周委约,为人声、琵琶与交互电子音乐而做。