Based on the Chinese meridian theory and modern bio-energy medicine,combined the resonance principle in quantum medicine,the EDSD(Electrodermal Screening Device)is invented. 皮肤电阻检测仪)是在经络学和现代生物能医学的理论基础上,结合量子医学中的共振原理设计而成。
Objective: To examine the relationship between cognition states and electrodermal activity (EDA) and to provide evidence for improvement of lie-detection technique. 摘要目的:探讨个体认知状态与皮肤电反应之间的关系,为改进测谎技术提供科学依据。
Objective: To examine the relationship between cognition states and electrodermal activity(EDA) and to provide evidence for improvement of lie-detection technique. 目的:探讨个体认知状态与皮肤电反应之间的关系,为改进测谎技术提供科学依据。