The geochemical circulation and orientation between eluvial and transport... 并阐述和探索了它在时间和空间上的规律。
Its filling is surface eluvium material and cavity wall collapsed material. 地下水主要沿着岩层中的裂缝向下渗流,以垂向岩溶为主,主要为高角度的溶蚀裂缝、溶蚀缝合线缝、近于垂直的串珠状中小型溶蚀孔洞沿溶缝、缝合线分布,多为方解石、泥、和其它不同来源成因的渗流砂混合充填。
Eluvial tantalite: Eluvial tantalite is found in rubble consisting of fragments and pebbles of varied composition. 残积层钽铁矿:残积层钽铁矿发现于由碎片和小鹅卵石成分的碎矿中。
The geochemical relation and vertical zone distribution tetween eluvial and transported soil deposits.4. 4.;残积土和堆积土的地球化学循环性和方向性规律。
The geochemical development of stages and horizontal zone distribution in eluvial soil.3. 3.;残积土和堆积土的地球化学联系性和高程地带性规律;
The tantalite mineralisation at Portee appears to be associated with quartz core zones, zones of K-metasomatism and with eluvial concentrations. 钽铁矿的矿物性质是由石英核心带、K长石同化矿带和残积层部分组合而成的。