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美[enfiːbl'mənt]  英[enfiːbl'mənt]
n.  使 ... 衰弱


  1. serious weakening and loss of energy


  1. The general confusion was bound to bring moral decay, even more than intellectual enfeeblement. 普世的混乱随之而来的定然是道德败坏,它的影响犹胜于智识的倒退。
  2. In other words, life may be subjected to a prolonged and thorough process of violation, enfeeblement, and anesthesia*(麻痹). 换句话说,生活可能臣服于一个长时间的彻底的被强暴、令其衰弱和麻痹的过程。
  3. There is high incidence of UAP in aged patients, always result in enfeeblement of viscera, imbalance of Yin and Yang and misadjustment of Qi and blood. 本病多发于中老年人,皆因脏腑亏损,阴阳失调,气血失和所致,气虚常为气滞血瘀的病因病理重要环节。扶正和祛邪是治疗本病的两大法规。
  4. When Deng Xiao-ping, 92, last of China's revolutionary-era leaders, finally went "to meet Marx" after years of enfeeblement, . . . 当邓小平,最后一位革命时期的领导人,在维持几年的虚弱身体后终于在92岁时去“见马克思”了。
  5. They went astray, in their innocence, to such a degree that they introduced the immense enfeeblement of a crime into their establishment as an element of strength. 他们在那种天真的想法上,竟会错误到想用犯罪的方法来加强自己统治的力量,而不知道罪行只能大大削弱自己。
  6. Since there are no additions to the damage, the first step is to apply the ray of enfeeblement (damage -5 [minimum 5]).As usual, untyped modifiers to damage always apply to the base damage only. 但此时它就没有附加伤害,所以,第一步就是计算rayofenfeeblement的影响(-5伤害值[最小值为5]),跟一般的情形一样,没有指定的都算是基础伤害,也只能扣减掉基础伤害的部份。