With the monitoring system , the attached type ergometric sensor can be used for the online rolling force monitoring, which proves nice effect. 最后又结合轧机工况监测系统,使用附着式测力传感器对轧制力进行在线监测,证明具有较好的使用效果。
This article has described the structure, principle of the attached type ergometric sensor and its actual application as well as its practicability, economy and operability. 介绍了附着式测力传感器的结构、原理及实际应用,并从实用性、经济性及可操作性的角度对其进行了阐述。
Keywords ergometric orthopedic fixer/instrument and equipment;elastic fixation;biomechanics; 关键词测力式骨科;固定器/仪器与设备;测力式;弹性固定;生物力学;