Everyone knows what eroticism is. There's no need to talk about it. Everyone has their own sense of the erotic. 每个人都知道性爱是什么。所以我们没有必要谈论这个。每个人在性爱方面都有自己的看法。
Why the lack of intimacy, the absence of eroticism? 为什么缺少亲密的关系,为什么没有性爱
Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses. 奸尸被尸体性别的吸引或同尸体发生性关系
An erotic rotation of the pelvis. 淫荡地晃动卖弄色相地扭动臂部的动作
He slept, finally, and his dreams were erotic. 最后他总算睡着了,做的全是春梦。
To the Greeks, love meant erotic love. 在希腊人看来,爱即指性爱。