of or relating to the formation of red blood cells
In mammals, iron balance is maintained by meticulous regulation of iron absorption from the duodenum, which responds to body iron stores and erythropoietic iron demand. 动物体内铁的恒定受到小肠细胞的严密调控,小肠对铁的吸收能力与体内铁贮存量与造血组织需求量有关。
This paper presents a case of biochemically proven congenital erythropoietic porphyria. The major ophthalmic manifestations are a dry eye and scleromalacia perforans. The implications of these are discussed. 摘要本篇报告一经生化证明之先天性红血球性坡菲林病之病例。其主要之眼部表徵为乾眼和穿孔性巩膜软化,其临床症候之意义亦在文中予以讨论。