The ethnographer and anthropologist , Baldwin Spencer wrote about these ceremonies when he visited the islands during 1911 and 1912. 人类学专家,鲍尔稳-斯宾塞在1911年到1912年,他到这个岛上游览的时候,就描述过这种仪式。
It may be uncontroversial because we imagine him to be a kind of legal ethnographer, describing a common culture to which he need not submit. 如果我们认为法律分析家是在进行法律民族志式的研究,仅仅是去描绘一个对他而言普通的、无须顺服的文化,这一关系自然无可争议。
Kenyan ethnographer Kiprop Lagat, its curator, spent six months at the British Museum, "going through the East African collection, 12,000 objects, piece by piece. 从没有任何人可以在一个展览中如此理解端详东非文化。
Moreover, differentiating among the ethnographer, narrator of the text, and fieldworker is important for imploring the mutual impacts between power and knowledge. 区分撰写著作的个人、行文中的叙述者的角色、行文中田野调查者的角色,对于探索权力与知识的相互影响颇有益处。
In these recent studies, the dance ethnographer is constituted as a culturally situated enbodied individual who has to approach the area of study in a self-reflexive manner. (Thomas, H. 原来是要放在人类学的架构里来想才会比较清楚。当然作者没下什麽价值判断,只是点出这件事而已。不过光就是把某件事放在学术史里面说清楚,这本书写得一点也不浪费笔墨。