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美['eθaɪn]  英['iːθaɪn]
n.  乙炔


  1. a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis


  1. In the ethyne molecule, a double bond links together the two carbon atoms. 在乙烯分子中是由一个双键将两个碳原子连结在一起的。
  2. The research of acrylic acid and 1,4-butanediol series products synthesized by ethyne is the emphasis of this paper. 文中着重阐述了国内天然气制乙炔与电石法乙炔生产成本比较,重点还介绍了乙炔羰基合成丙烯酸、1,4-丁二醇系列产品的研究进展。
  3. Natural gas is important chemical material and is used as feed to produce synthesis ammonia,methanol and ethyne. 天然气是化工的重要原料,以天然气为原料生产合成氨、甲醇、乙炔三大产品。
  4. Natural gas is important chemical material and is used as feed to produce synthesis ammonia, methanol and ethyne. 摘要天然气是化工的重要原料,以天然气为原料生产合成氨、甲醇、乙炔三大产品。
  5. In this article, the measurement method of hydrocarbon especial ethyne concentration in air separation by using the GM600FID gas chromatogram are introduced. 摘要介绍用GM600型FID气相色谱仪检测空分装置中碳氢化合物,特别是乙炔含量的方法。
  6. The other is special chemicals of ethyne, such as 1,4-butanediol series made by alkyne -aldehyde method, including ethynyl aether,polyacetylene,etc. 在石油价格居高不下的情况下,乙炔化工在某些领域将具有明显的竞争优势。