calling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations
stimulation that calls up (draws forth) a particular class of behaviors;
"the elicitation of his testimony was not easy"
We start not so much with superior capacities as with superior stimuli for evocation and direction of our capacities.我们初生的时候,与其说是我们有优秀的能力,不如说是我们有引发和指导我们能力的优越的刺激。
More often it implies the evocation of profound, agitating, but usually agreeable, emotion.该词更常用来表示唤起深刻的、骚动的、但通常是令人愉悦的情绪。
During the evocation, the bell rang regularly as if pacify the soul of the dead.招魂时,铜铃规律地当当当响,似在安抚亡者的灵魂。