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美[ɪg'zædʒəˌreɪtə]  英[ɪg'zædʒəreɪtə]
n.  夸张者;言过其实者


  1. Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator. 我曾对一条小溪谈到大海,小溪认为我只是一个充满狂想的夸张者。
  2. That these estimates are not exagger at edisborne out by the fact tha tburial societies and other organizations counted more than 155,000 bodies which they buried. 这种估计并不夸张,这由掩埋队及其他团体所埋尸体达十五万五千人的事实就可以证明了。
  3. A super salesman and a big exaggerator 超级推销员和大牛皮将
  4. 10.Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator; 10.;我曾对一条小溪谈到大海,小溪认为我只是一个幻想的夸张者;
  5. Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator; 我曾对一条小溪谈起大海,小溪认为我只是一个充满狂想的夸张者。
  6. 33.Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator; 我曾对一条小溪谈起大海,小溪认为我只是一个充满狂想的夸张者。