Because I knew: Gives compared to accepts exhilaratingly, not right? 因为我知道:给予比接受更令人快乐,不是吗?
On questions of policy, the views of the candidates were as reassuringly similar as their backgrounds were exhilaratingly different. 在政策问题上,尽管这些候选人的背景各不相同(令人振奋),但他们的观点却十分相似(让人放心)。
Also exhilaratingly, the nation's snooker prodigy, Ding Junhui, spearheaded the Chinese team successfully to snatch the team title. 中国斯诺克台球神童丁俊辉带领中国队一路冲锋陷阵,最终将男团金牌收入囊中。
Created by renowned Chinese theatre director Stan Lai, this suspenseful theatre piece with an exhilaratingly unexpected ending will keep you on the edge of your seat. 由知名中国剧场导演赖声川所创作的这齣悬疑剧作品有令人振奋的意想不到结局,让您觉得非常刺激。