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美[ek'sɒɡəməs]  英[ek'sɒɡəməs]
adj.  异族结婚的


  1. characterized by or fit for fertilization by a flower that is not closely related
  2. pertaining to or characterized by the custom of marrying only outside the limits of a clan or tribe


  1. An exogamous subdivision of the tribe, constituting two or more related clans. 胞族部落的异族结婚者的亚分支,构成两上或多个相关的家族
  2. The Imbat Ket were originally divided into two exogamous phratries which exchanged marriage partners. 印八偈人原本分为两个交换配偶的异族通婚的氏族。
  3. The slightest doubt in the existence of exogamous and endogamous "tribes" of absolute mutual exclusiveness was considered rank heresy. 对于绝对相互排斥的外婚制“部落”和内婚制“部落”的存在稍有怀疑,便被视为放肆的邪说;
  4. Levirate marriage has been practiced by societies with a strong clan structure in which exogamous marriage outside the clan was forbidden. 因此,“骨血不倒流”的说法是反对姑家的女儿嫁给舅家的儿子的。汉、满族都有此忌讳。南方还有“骨肉还乡,家败人亡”的俗语流传。云南一些壮族城区也有此禁忌。
  5. Therefore we must hold it to be beyond dispute that among exogamous races the first system of kinship was that which recognized blood-ties through mothers only. 因此,我们应当认为不容争辩的是,在外婚制的种族中间,最初的亲属制度乃是仅由母亲方面来认知血缘关系的制度。”