Its outbreak reason mainly can sum up endopathic cause and exopathic cause. 其发病原因主要可以归纳为内因和外因。
Firstly, AF was induced by coaction of intrinsic and exopathic factors. 首先,心房颤动是由于内因和外因相互作用而导致的疾病;
Both endopathic factors and exopathic factors might cause fatigue,but overstrain was the main etiology. 内因、外因均可导致疲劳,但以内伤尤其过劳为主要病因。
The knowledge of the cause and the pathogenesis of the apoplexy before Tang dynasty and Song dynasty focused on exopathic wind. 对于中风病病因的认识虽然以“外风”为主,但各医家对中风的具体病因病机、辨证规律及治则治法的研究也各不相同。
The cause and pathogenesis covered three stages:The period of exopathic wind,endogenous wind and combination of internal and external wind. 唐宋以前对中风的病因病机的认识,主要以“外风”立论。
Blood arthralgiais a disease which resulted in deficiency of Qi and blood, exopathic wind, blocking of rang and blood stasis. 血痹是一种因气血不足,外感风邪,阳气受阻,血行阻滞引起的疾病。