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美['fænən]  英['fænən]
n.  (祭师做弥撒时带的)披肩;臂巾


  1. Frantz Fanon devoted himself to his ideal, but the modern masterpiece has continued his work to rouse the politicians. 法农早已为理想牺牲,现代电影继续追击,就看政客们何时觉醒!
  2. Fanon:Instead of pretending to be white shit,black shit should violently overthrow colonialism. 法农:我们不要假装是白大便,而是要暴力地推翻殖民主义。
  3. Fanon Information which, while it does not belong to canon, it's so widespread between the fandom that most people thinks of it almost as canon. 不属于原著作品中的情报内容,但因太过于广散分布在影迷之间使得几乎被认为是原著正典的情报内容。
  4. Power words theory of Fouvault, west cultural hegemony theory of Gramsci and theory of Fanon are main theory origin of view of national culture. 福柯的权力话语理论、葛兰西的文化霸权理论和法农的民族文化论述是民族文化观主要的理论渊源。
  5. Mr Crooke cites the anti-colonial writings of Frantz Fanon with enthusiasm, whereas those of free-market advocates are mocked and dismissed. 克鲁克先生满怀热情地引用了弗朗兹&bull,goldwow;法农的反殖民著作,那些自由市场的倡导者受到嘲笑和摒除。
  6. Frantz Fanon, a psychiatrist, psychologist, and an actor who disguised compromise and dastardliness, had argued the opinions of western world by reflecting his self-contradiction. 上个世纪的五十多年前,他早就以自身的矛盾折射出西方世界大言不惭的自圆其说;