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美['fæsn]  英['fɑːsn]
vt.  拴紧;使固定;系;强加于
vi.  固定;系紧;抓紧
  名词:fastener  过去式:fastened  过去分词:fastened  现在分词:fastening  第三人称单数:fastens


  1. 扣紧, 闩住,扎牢 ,钉牢,把...结牢
  2. 把集中于,集中注意力于,集中于
  3. 把强加于,把...归于,把...加在,加强于
  4. 握住,抓住,坚持不放
  5. 盯住不放地攻击,把盯住
  6. 锁,闩(门)
  7. 加固,上紧,握牢
  8. 坚持
  9. 使固定,使牢固
  10. 集中注意力,全神贯注
  11. 系结,连接,连结
  12. 缚,系


  1. vt. 系紧,拴牢 make or become firmly fixed or closed
  2. vt. & vi. 闩住 become closed or attached
  3. vt. 盯住 gaze at


  1. cause to be firmly attached;

    "fasten the lock onto the door" "she fixed her gaze on the man"

  2. become fixed or fastened;

    "This dress fastens in the back"

  3. attach to;

    "They fastened various nicknames to each other"

  4. make tight or tighter;

    "Tighten the wire"


  1. fasten one's attention集中注意力
  2. fasten a badge别上徽章
  3. fasten a bandage扎上绷带
  4. fasten the blame把罪过强加于某人
  5. fasten box锁箱子
  6. fasten a horse拴马
  7. fasten a rope用绳子系
  8. fasten a seat belt系紧安全带
  9. fasten the sheets of paper把纸张钉起来
  1. fasten attractively吸引住
  2. fasten firmly紧紧关住
  3. fasten properly关紧
  4. fasten securely牢牢钉住
  5. fasten tightly紧紧拴住
  6. fasten down扣住
  7. fasten off打个结
  8. fasten off the thread把线打个结系牢
  9. fasten together把…订在一起
  10. fasten up关紧,捆牢,钉牢,扣住
  11. fasten up the box钉牢箱子
  12. fasten up one's coat把上衣扣好
  1. fasten the dyes into the cloth使布深染而不褪色
  2. fasten on〔upon〕系上,扎上,把…装上,集中于,强加于,纠缠住,握住,抓牢
  3. fasten on the idea坚持这种想法
  4. fasten a crime on sb加罪于某人
  5. fasten one's eyes on a person眼睛盯着某人
  6. fasten fault on sb把错误加在某人身上
  7. fasten one's hope on...把希望寄托在…上
  8. fasten the lid on this box给这个箱子钉上盖子
  9. fasten a notice on the door把通知钉在门上
  10. fasten onto one紧紧抓住某人
  11. fasten to把…固定在…上
  12. fasten to a post把…系在柱子上
  13. fasten to the tree把…拴在树上
  14. fasten the bookshelf to the wall把书架固定在墙壁上
  15. fasten an ox to the tree把牛拴树上
  16. fasten a rope to a post把绳子系在柱子上
  17. fasten the box with a strong rope用一根结实的绳子把这只箱子捆牢


  1. Do not fasten all the windows up while you sleep.睡觉时不要将所有的窗户都关紧。
  2. For your own safety,please fasten your seat belts.安全起见,请系紧安全带。
  3. I fastened the pages together with a paperclip.我用一个纸夹把那几页纸夹在一起。
  4. The little boy has learnt to fasten shoelaces.这小男孩已学会系鞋带了。
  5. Don't fasten the responsibility on him.不要把责任推到他身上。
  1. What can I use to fasten on this clip?我用什么才能将这个夹子固定好?
  2. The handbag won't fasten properly.这手提包的口关不紧。
  3. It is advisable that you fasten on the opportunity.你抓住这个机会是明智的。


    fasten的基本意思是把某物系于某处,或把门闩住。可引申为某人的眼睛盯在某物或某人身上。 fasten既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词作宾语。宾语后接on或to等介词,表示把某物固定在另一物的上面。可用于被动结构。 fasten作不及物动词用时,主动形式含有被动含义。