Chinglish: It's was a familiar phenomenon in the feudatorial society. 那个在封建社会可是个常见的现象。
It was a familiar phenomenon in the feudatorial society. Revision: It was common practice during the period of Feudal rule. 那个在封建社会可是个常见的现象。
In the 2000 years feudatorial society of China, The viewpoint "Righteousness prior to benefits" took the dominant place. 摘要在中国两千多年的封建社会中,在义利现上占统治地位的是重义轻利的思想。
The trade organization had a long history in china, the traditional guild was especial significance to the merchants who were in the lowest status in feudatorial times. 行业组织在中国有着悠久的历史,传统行会组织对于在封建时期卑列于“四民之末”的工商业者来说有着特殊的保障意义。
Thought the co-educational system existed only in the primary schools, it broke the age-old feudatorial injunction as "to observe propriety between the sexes". 一方面,支持创办各种新式女校,如,女子中学,女子师范和女子职业学校;