DGO was defined to gingival fibroplasia and enlarge-ment in tradition. 传统意义上将DGO定义为服用某些药物引起的牙龈纤维增生和体积增大。
Fibroplasia was diverse in different regions, and two main phenomena were observed.First, the tissues arranged tightly like the scleral fiber. 增生的纤维组织不同区域变化不一,主要呈现两类变化:一为排列致密,类似巩膜纤维组织;
In addition, modern pharmaco study reveals that the capsule can restrain fibroplasia, and facilitate microcirculation, and can also inhibit the growth of the prostate. 现代药理研究发现其具有抑制纤维组织增生,促进微循环的作用,对前列腺生长有抑制作用。
hemangioma with retrolental fibroplasia 血管瘤伴晶体后纤维组织形成