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美['fɪktəl]  英['fɪktaɪl]
adj.  陶土制的;可塑造性的;塑造的


  1. of or relating to the craft of pottery;

    "the fictile art" "fictile ware"

  2. susceptible to being led or directed;

    "fictile masses of people ripe for propaganda"

  3. capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material);

    "plastic substances such as wax or clay"


  1. Sanhsia is famous for its fictile ware. 三峡以陶器闻名。
  2. Sanhsia is famous for its fictile ware . 三峡以陶器闻名。
  3. The thick fictile in small shop is a cup of dish, jug not only, still candlestick, tray, vase, ashtray waits. 小店里的粗陶制品不仅是杯碟、水壶,还有烛台、托盘、花瓶、烟灰缸等。
  4. In the most sacred hall (room) of the temple, fictile (clay) fragments of 15 statues were discovered. 在庙中最神圣的一间殿堂里发现了15尊陶制雕像的碎片。
  5. Wall brick is told strictly should belong to fictile, floor tile is porcelain goods normally. 墙砖严格讲应属于陶制品,地砖则通常是瓷制品。
  6. But should see this kind of Sai Wei, behavior is decided situation, it is social fictile result. 但要看到这种思惟、行为定势,是社会塑造的结果。