"both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people" "a fierily opinionated book"
The thunders flashed amount the clouds lit a fierily fire. 那些在云层深处奔走的惊雷,落下满天的火。
Rain also lightly to the next.“City adventure" fierily conducted. 雨还在淅淅沥沥的下着,“城市探险”火热进行。
New Liberalism, Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism. 新自由主义、社群主义和新左派对保守自由主义的弱政府理论提出了猛烈批评。
Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. 往往,科学只是给予我们一种自然科学所能触及到的理论,而不是否认。
Some women are the moon who never shines as fierily and dazzlingly as the sun.Also she doesn't move with sparkles as the stars always do. 有一种女人如月亮,她没有太阳般的热情似火,光彩夺目,也没有繁星般的流光溢彩。
Another work in the same placing heard a word one time this, can't help complexion is hoar, he is impatient fierily cried to rise, "My day! 另一位同事听了这一番话,不禁脸色发白,他心急如火地喊了起来,“我的天啊!