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美[faɪl]  英[faɪl]
n.  档案;卷宗;文件;锉刀,指甲锉
vt.  把 ... 归档;提出(申请书、议案等)
  过去式:filed  过去分词:filed  现在分词:filing  第三人称单数:files


  1. vt. 把…归档 place in a file; place on record
  2. vt. 提交(申请等),呈递 send sth so that it may be recorded
  3. vi. 排成纵队前进 march or walk in the specified direction in a single line
  4. vt. 用锉锉 cut or shape with a file
  1. [C]文件夹,公文箱 a box for storing papers in an ordered way in an office
  2. [C]卷宗,文件; 计算机文件 store of papers on one subject; organized collection of related data or material in a computer
  3. [C]纵列 line of people or things one behind the other


  1. a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together
  2. a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other
  3. office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order
  4. a steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces; used for smoothing wood or metal
  1. record in a public office or in a court of law;

    "file for divorce" "file a complaint"

  2. smooth with a file;

    "file one's fingernails"

  3. proceed in line;

    "The students filed into the classroom"

  4. file a formal charge against;

    "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"

  5. place in a container for keeping records;

    "File these bills, please"


  1. file name档案名
  1. file away把…归档,排成纵队出发,把…锉平
  2. file away letters把信件归档
  3. file away the rough edges把粗边锉平
  4. file off排成纵队出发
  5. file out鱼贯而出,陆续退出
  1. file by成纵队走过
  2. file for提出…申请
  3. file for divorce申请离婚
  4. file for a job申请就业
  5. file in鱼贯而入,陆续编入
  6. file into成纵队进入
  7. file into the room鱼贯而入房间
  8. file on application提出申请书
  9. file out of the room鱼贯走出房间
  10. file past成纵队走过…
  11. file past the rostrum列队走过检阅台
  1. confidential file机密档案
  1. data file数据文件
  2. text file文本档案


  1. Put this letter in the main file.把这封信放在主要文件夹中。
  2. Would you please take a seat while I look into our file?你先坐一下,我给你查一下我们的卷宗?
  3. Put this letter in the main file.把这封信放在主要文件夹中。
  1. Please file those letters.请把这些信件存档。
  2. Please file the original Articles and return the certified copies to me at the above address.请将公司大纲原件存档,并把经核实的副本按上述地址退还与我。
  3. If a prisoner is not satisfied with the effective judgment, he may file a petition.第二十一条罪犯对生效的判决不服的,可以提出申诉。
  4. We regret to inform you that the goods were underweight and we cannot but file a claim against you.我们很遗憾地告知你方货物重量不足,我们不得不向你方提出索赔。


    file用作名词时意思是“档案”“纵队”,转化为动词意思是“归档”“排成纵队前进”。 file作“用锉锉”解时,是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 file表示“向谁呈递”时,与with连用。