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美[fɪl]  英[fɪl]
vt.  装满;弥漫;填充;担任
n.  足量
  过去式:filled  过去分词:filled  现在分词:filling  第三人称单数:fills


  1. 填方
  2. 填土
  3. 足够
  4. 填满的量
  5. 充足
  6. 装填物
  7. 路堤
  8. 充满
  9. 饱满
  10. 填塞物
  11. 冲填
  12. 充填体
  13. 充水
  14. 填满…的量
  15. 吃饱的量
  16. 喝足的量
  17. 充分
  18. 足够…的量
  19. 满足
  1. 满足
  2. 装满
  3. 填满
  4. 堵塞
  5. 注满
  6. 使充满
  7. 填补
  8. 被充满
  9. 鼓胀
  10. 装填
  11. 张满(帆)
  12. 使(帆背)受风
  13. 充实
  14. 普及
  15. 弥漫
  16. 供应
  17. 任(职)
  18. 堵塞(洞、孔)
  19. 填(缺)
  20. 配药
  21. 照满
  22. 填充
  23. 任职
  24. 填补(洞、孔)
  25. 使充满(感情)
  26. 使遍及
  27. 布满
  28. 变得沉重
  29. 凑成、组成同一花色或某种花色组合


  1. vt. & vi. (使)充满,(使)装满,填满 make sth full; occupy all of the space in sth
  2. vt. 满足 meet the needs or demands of
  3. vt. 任职 hold a position and do the necessary work
  4. vt. 配药 make up the medicine
  1. [C]填满…的量 enough to fill sth
  2. [U]充分,足够 enough; plenty


  1. a quantity sufficient to satisfy;

    "he ate his fill of potatoes" "she had heard her fill of gossip"

  2. any material that fills a space or container;

    "there was not enough fill for the trench"

  1. make full, also in a metaphorical sense;

    "fill a container" "fill the child with pride"

  2. become full;

    "The pool slowly filled with water" "The theater filled up slowly"

  3. occupy the whole of;

    "The liquid fills the container"

  4. assume, as of positions or roles;

    "She took the job as director of development" "he occupies the position of manager" "the young prince will soon occupy the throne"

  5. fill or meet a want or need
  6. appoint someone to (a position or a job)
  7. eat until one is sated;

    "He filled up on turkey"

  8. fill to satisfaction;

    "I am sated"

  9. plug with a substance;

    "fill a cavity"


  1. fill a bowl盛满一碗
  2. fill a cheque开支票
  3. fill a diplomatic post担任外交职务
  4. fill a form填表格
  5. fill a hollow tooth补牙
  6. fill a vacancy填补空缺
  7. fill one's pipe烟斗里装满了烟
  8. fill sb's place代替
  9. fill the bill满足需要
  10. fill the blanks填空
  11. fill the cup杯子倒满
  12. fill the hall挤满大厅
  13. fill the hole把洞填平
  14. fill the office就职
  15. fill the sails风把帆吹得鼓鼓的
  16. fill the tank把油箱注满
  1. fill adequately很满
  2. fill capably称职
  3. fill completely填平
  4. fill easily容易填满
  5. fill evidently明显满意
  6. fill expertly擅长配药
  7. fill gradually逐渐充满
  8. fill nicely十分满意
  9. fill partially部分填塞
  10. fill properly相当称职
  11. fill quickly很快充满
  12. fill rapidly很快充满
  13. fill satisfactorily心满意足
  14. fill tremendously填得太满了
  15. fill away向前航行,乘风前进
  16. fill in填满,填充,填写,把…插入
  17. fill in for a teacher替某人代课
  18. fill out使膨胀,使丰满,使变圆,使充实,填充
  19. fill out the order form填订货单
  20. fill up灌满(水),斟满(酒)
  21. fill up time消磨时间
  1. a fill of petrol一桶汽油
  2. a fill of tobacco一烟斗的烟丝
  1. cry one's fill哭个够
  2. drink one's fill喝个够
  3. eat one's fill of honey蜂蜜吃个够
  4. laugh one's fill笑个够
  5. weep one's fill哭个痛快


  1. Please fill the cup with water.请把这个杯子装满水。
  2. Smoke filled the room.屋里尽是烟。
  3. Life just gives you time and space, it's up to you to fill it.生活只给我们时间和空间,我们自己决定如何去填充它。
  4. He is competent enough to fill that position.他完全胜任那个职位。
  1. No more tea,thank you,I've had my fill.谢谢你,不要再添茶了,我已经喝足了。


    fill的基本意思是“充满”,可指填满空间、填充空白、填写表格,也可用于填补职位上的空缺,还可表示度过空余时间等。 fill可以人作主语,也可以物作主语。 fill可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义; 用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。
    fill用作可数名词的意思是“填满…的量”,常与of连用,用于具体名词; fill用作不可数名词可表示抽象意义“充分,足够”,一般用于正式文体中。


  1. 司机用汽油装满了油箱。

    The driver filled gasoline into the tank.

    The driver filled the tank with gasoline.

    表示“用…装满…”,应该说fill sth with sth,其中fill的宾语应该是某种容器, with的宾语是填充物。