At that moment, it was like someone was showing a family filmstrip in my head. 那一刻,就好像有人在我脑子里放映家庭电影一样。
At that moment, it was like someone was showing a family filmstrip in my head. 那一刻,就好像有人在我脑子里放映家庭电影一样。
The Filmstrip at the bottom of the screen provides constant access to photos. 胶片在屏幕底部以保证不断获得的照片。
Pressing Tab does not bring back the Filmstrip, just the side panels. 按Tab键不能回到幻灯片,只能返回到侧面板。
The final panel is the Filmstrip at the bottom that lets you go quickly through a selected group of photos. 最后小组胶片底部,可以让你迅速选定的一组照片。
Press Shift+Tab and you can make the side panels, the top module picker, plus the Filmstrip appear and disappear. 按Shift+Tab以及可操作的侧面板,顶部模块采摘,加上幻灯片出现和消失。