Outer sepals 5-10 mm, mucronulate, glabrous to pilose abaxially, margin ciliate or fimbriate; corolla 1.5-4 cm. 外部萼片5-10毫米,具小短尖,具柔毛背面的无毛到,边缘具缘毛或流苏状;花冠1.;5-4厘米(20
Petals 5, pink or white, obcordate, clawed, connate and bearded at base, apex fimbriate. 花瓣5,粉红色或白色的,倒心形,瓣爪,合生和具髯毛在基部,先端流苏状。
Seeds ca. 8, when dry pale yellowish brown, ca. 5 mm, smooth, enveloped in a thin, fleshy, pale yellow partly fimbriate aril. 种子约8,干燥时浅淡黄棕色,长约5毫米,平滑,被包围在瘦,肉质,浅黄色部分流苏状的假种皮中。